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Man Hiking in Wilderness


As an ADDCA-trained ADHD Coach, my goal is to support you in your goals

while teaching you more about your amazing brain! 

From the trailhead to success:
how ADHD coaching can lead you there

Living with ADHD can often feel like going on a particularly challenging hike. You have a goal, a destination you want to reach. You even have a map, but sometimes it's hard to follow, and you get lost. ADHD can make it difficult to stay on track, follow the map and stay focused on your goals.


Just like hikers need to carry all their gear with them, ADHDers carry their symptoms throughout the day. That extra weight, much like heavy gear, makes the journey even more challenging.


As your ADHD Coach, I help you figure out tools and strategies to manage your ADHD symptoms so that they feel like less of a heavy burden, to learn more about yourself and your amazing brain, and help you successfully navigate your lifelong "hike" through ADHD. â€‹

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Into the Woods



Join me as we embark on a "hiking trip" through ADHD together, one hour-long session at a time. Each week, we'll explore your unique experiences and strengths, and work together to fill your backpack with practical tools and strategies that can help you live a successful and fulfilling life with ADHD.


As we hike through this terrain, we'll also come across boulders and mountains that may feel impassable at times. But with my support and guidance, you'll never have to face these challenges alone. Along the way, we'll take the time to understand your ADHD brain and the ways in which it impacts your life. We'll celebrate your unique qualities, your "wins", and the amazing things that make you YOU.


Together, we'll navigate the twists and turns of this journey, and I'll be there to help you stay on course, no matter what obstacles we encounter. Let's start hiking toward a brighter future, one step at a time. 

Hike in the Forest


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